Starting a home garden can be fulfilling and therapeutic! It's easy - just prepare a small sunny area by digging the dirt over, tilling, and planting your favorite plants! Give them plenty of room to grow, water and TLC, then Mother Nature will take care of the rest!
To assist our brothers and sisters in need, please consider "Growing A Row" of extra tomatoes, beans, peas or zucchinis and donating them to St. Leo's Food Pantry? Or just an extra plant or two?
The North Fairmount area is considered a "Food Desert" where healthy, affordable food is difficult to obtain. There is no "regular" grocery store accessible to the residents. Imagine having to take the bus several miles just to get fresh produce or groceries to prepare a nutritious dinner and hauling it home transferring bus routes along the way. That's exactly what many in our community are forced to do.
Your gift of produce would be a terrific blessing. If you have any questions,
please call 513-921-1044 or email