

Culture Fest 2024

It's that exciting time of the year again! St. Leo's eagerly announces our biggest fundraiser, Culture Fest! This vibrant event promises a unique blend of entertainment, culture, and community spirit, all for a wonderful cause.

This year, all proceeds from Culture Fest will go directly towards our Raise the Roof fund, dedicated to repairing and replacing the roof of our cherished church. Your support will directly contribute to preserving the sanctity and beauty of our sacred space!

St. Leo's annual Culture Fest sets itself apart from other Catholic festivals with its unique charm and distinctive atmosphere. Beginning at noon, Culture Fest offers a warm and intimate environment, providing a welcoming experience for all attendees. Complete with live Hispanic bands and authentic ethnic cuisine in an alcohol-free setting, our festival embraces diversity and inclusivity. Mass is celebrated at 6pm, adding a spiritual touch to the festivities. St. Leo's offers an array of games for children, and plenty of laughter throughout. It's no wonder that we consistently attract over 1,000 patrons who join us throughout the day to be a part of this extraordinary celebration!


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