vol•un•teer [vol-uhn-teer] –n. one of life’s most valuable natural resources.
Thanks for all you do to make our world a better place.
¡Gracias! Murakoze! Thank You!
We are so very grateful for the generosity of our many loyal volunteers! We simply could not do all the things that we do without you. All of us at St. Leo's are deeply grateful to all of you who help us serve one another in Christ's love.
Meet a few of our dedicated volunteers:
A Smorgasbord of Experiences - Megan Luneke
It's A Family Thing - Maria Gaviria
Putting His Faith Into Action
Welcoming The Stranger
Hoe Hoe Hoe - Elaine Janis
Whatever You Do To the Least of My People - Sr. Phyllis Kemper, OSU
Helping Where She's Needed - Marianne Brater
From St. Leo's to Ethiopia - Anna Combs
Sweet Sweat Summer
First Cole, then Mom, now Grandpa! - Larry McCarthy
Working Together to Feed the Hungry
Going Nuts for St. Leo
Seeing the Gifts . .
ESL Volunteer - Cole
Liturgy of the Word - Tara Lonneman
Liturgy of the Word - Undoing Knots - Debra Reyland
Food Pantry - Mr. Bill - The Cookie Man
Liturgy of the Word - From Project to Passion - Jocelyn Evans
ESL - Sometimes God is Sneaky - Jan Connelly
Our Neighbors the World Over
Mercy Students Volunteer at St. Leo's
Freedom For All
Back to School and Moving Ahead
Summer Projects Abound
A Present for Mary
How About A College Semester "At Home"